You will have used Google thousands of times, I suppose ... Yahoo maybe, MSN / Bing and several others that work similarly sooo from time to time.

Actually, they all have one thing in common: they are search engines that people use to find websites.

Search engines help users find pages on a certain topic. What they basically do is index pages and blogs in their databases, and then list them in their results in an order of relevance in relation to the search criteria.

This is exactly why they become fabulous allies in your battle to attract good visitors. Surely you have heard a very fashionable acronym and also something controversial on the Internet: SEO, Search Engine Optimization or web positioning.

There is a lot of information about it, but none really intended for technophobic entrepreneurs and users. Users who do not exactly get along with technology and to whom words like web positioning, search engine marketing, search engine positioning, SEO On Page, SEO Off Page, link building or PNB sound Chinese.

We will move straight forward to our main topic...

What is SEO?

This is the first question you will have and I imagine you will be surprised to see that I answer it at this point. First things first, now to answer what is SEO.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO or SEO positioning in Google) is nothing but the way to achieve that your Products, your services or your brand gain in organic natural positioning in search engines (not in advertising payment spaces), something that is achieved by using relevant content to attract visitors to your blog.

In other words, "doing SEO" consists of using different techniques to get your website, blog, article, sales page, e-commerce article or whatever appears as high as possible in the organic results.

And for this most sites will require love and dedication to remain attractive to our friend Google. In short, your blog or your pages must be optimized so that they are evaluated as important and climb positions in organic listings, which are also free.

SEO itself is divided, in turn, into two large groups of techniques:

SEO On Page: SEO On Page, as its name indicates, refers to everything YOU can do on your website, blog or store to improve your positions on Google. Here enter aspects such as knowing what keyword to choose, how to structure your website, loading speed of your site, structure of your links, etc.
SEO Off Page: SEO Off Page refers to everything that does not depend strictly on you and that is not "inside" your website. Here we mainly talk about inbound links (number of websites or blogs that link to your content), social signals (shared on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn ...), etc.
For a result to rank higher you have to get a correct mix of this SEO On Page and SEO Off Page.

Don't worry, if everything still sounds like Mandarin Chinese, I'll explain the basic terms in this article. Even so, I hope you have already more or less made clear what SEO is!

If I have to choose ... do I improve SEO On Page or SEO Off Page?
Before I tell you my personal opinion, I will tell you one thing: the only thing you can control is SEO On Page.

Yes, you can buy links, make guest articles and get links from friends to improve the SEO Off Page of your blog. But, even so, you will not be able to control it 100% nor know if tomorrow those pages will disappear, your link will die or that website will be penalized and the penalty will be passed on to you.

For this reason and for another very important one that I am going to tell you right now, I have always thought that the first and essential thing about SEO is SEO On Page.

That second reason is that, for many links that you put to an article, nowadays it is very difficult to position anything if the SEO On Page is not correct.

I will make a metaphor for you to understand.

Imagine that you have a store and that you advertise throughout the city so that people go shopping. However, when they arrive after seeing the advertising they find a dirty window display and a disastrous customer treatment.

What will happen? That they will never return and that in the end the only thing that you will have caused is that the defects of your business are even more exposed.

The SEO Off Page - SEO On Page relationship is similar.

If you send a lot of links to your post, but when Google or another user arrives you will find a real article crap ... in the end you will fall from the Google rankings.

Therefore, we can draw 2 conclusions:

1. The SEO Off Page is useless if the SEO On Page is not correct.
2. The only thing you can control of your SEO strategy 100% is SEO On Page.

Once this is clarified, I think my opinion is clear: if I have to choose, I choose SEO On Page when defining my web positioning strategy.

How to decide whether to use paid results or organic results
At this point, you may be wondering whether to invest a budget in SEM (paid results) or invest effort or money in SEO (organic results).

Both have their positive and negative parts, but like any dynamic duo, they will work best when used in combination as part of the same marketing strategy to generate web traffic.

Organic searches: basically its great advantage is that these searches are free, that is, you do not pay for the generated clicks. But in return, you will have to invest in other areas, such as improving and maintaining your blog, in addition to paying for content generation, search for links and other costs, in order to stay on top of Google's results. The traffic and the benefits it generates later can be fabulous, but until you get to that point, it may not be a bad idea to hire paid results, at least when you start your activity.
Paid advertising: it has the advantage of ensuring you massive visibility in the short term, supporting your highest performing pages (conversions). Also, paid results can be a good way to correct or cover the time it takes to achieve good results in the organic results list.
When choosing, you must take into account the way in which people surf the net. Normally the human eye will sweep from the top left of the screen to the rest, just like you would on the page of a book.

For this reason, the content that appears in that location will naturally attract more attention. And since most paid ads are located to the right and above, it stands to reason that they generate fewer clicks than those on the opposite end. Organic results typically take more than 90% of the clicks generated on a result page for a search.

My personal recommendation is that, if you have the right budget, do the following combination:

SEO for Informational Content: Remember the Search Types? Well, for the research and comparison phase you should try to position yourself organically. They are visits that do not ensure conversions, but that can start to see you with good eyes if you impact them from the beginning of the search phase.

SEM for content aimed at sale: the sales pages, product sheets of your store or pages of your info-products are great options to advertise on Adwords. Why? Because they are pages aimed, 100%, at generating sales and conversions. If you spend € 1 per click to take a person to a service that can give you € 100 profit… do the accounts fit right? ðŸ™‚
Well, as you can see there are no drawer results, but the decision is made by you according to your needs, your anxieties and your resources. Take one or take another route, my deepest advice is to take one. Don't forget that Google or any other search engine can quickly become your main ally. And you don't want to miss it.

What is search engine marketing?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): aims to gain positioning in natural listings, or as they are also often called, organic listings. They are none other than the results that appear in the left column of the page. There is no cost to you when someone clicks on those results, but in return, SEO requires a lot of patience, spending time and being willing to wait.

The truth is that search engine marketing is vital for any business, even if it doesn't have an online sales platform. And there are no exceptions to this rule: everyone must have a search strategy.

Despite the obviousness of all this, there are still companies that do not pay attention to these issues, nor the popularity of search engines such as Google mainly and Yahoo or Bing second.

Search engines allow you to reach your customers just when they are "looking" for something specific. Hence, it is an advertising modality of the highest precision in terms of segmentation, which provides excellent results.

Search engines are tremendously popular and are the most widely used tool on the entire Internet. And within them, the most popular of all, which is undoubtedly Google, has become a gateway to the markets.

Google generates multimillion dollar profits to the companies that it has indexed in its results in those first positions. And Google users are surely your potential customers, if they are not your current customers.

But don't panic. If you are new to all of this there is no need to panic as it is no science. You just have to decide to start. For that, I just try to help you out from this blog, so that you understand the opportunity you have and take advantage of some tips.

As an entrepreneur, what should I consider in my SEO strategy for dummies?
Positioning your blog on search engines can be difficult, depending on what type of keyword you want to compete. Achieving a fast Google positioning can make a big difference for your business. 

There are 2 different themes:

1. Optimize your content (SEO On Page).
2. Get quality links (SEO Off Page).

How to do SEO to optimize your content and fall in love with Google?
If someone asked me today how to do SEO, without a doubt I would only give you these 9 tips. There are thousands of tips, techniques and tricks, but you and I do not want to be the "Number 1 SEO in the world", we just want the least viable.

That is why I list 9 tips for SEO optimization of your posts thinking about search engines:

Write about popular things, but don't go overboard: it helps to know the status of daily searches in a niche to identify what people are looking for online. If your theme is popular, the probability of receiving visits will be higher. But if your keyword is too popular, your blog, except miracles, will not be able to appear in the first results and as a consequence will not get the expected visits. As you see everything is a matter of balance in life. Use tools like Google AdWords, Google Trends, and Google Ad Planner to quantify a keyword's current and future popularity, as well as profitable ads. You are looking for words with a future projection, without too much competition and with significant daily searches (at least 100 searches / day).

Select very precise and relevant keywords: it is a rule, you should try to optimize a post for a single keyword. Of course, this keyword will have to be 100% relevant to your article. Instead of using generic keywords.

Select keywords from 2 to 3 words, even better if they are from 3 to 4 words: researches show that about 60% of searches include 2 or 3 words. Keep this in mind when optimizing your article for 2 to 3 keywords. For a brand new blog, I would recommend choosing 3- or 4-word keywords. You will improve the long tail of your articles very soon.

Use your keyword in the HTML title of your page - the title tag: use your keyword as early as possible in your title tag, and try as much as possible not to mix it with many other words. Remember that your title tag must be explicit, as it is what appears in the search engines as the result title.
Use your keyword in the titles and subtitles of your article: use the titles and subtitles as one of the usability elements that make your post easier to read, but you should also take advantage of these elements to make your keyword appear.

Use your keyword in the body of your article: Especially as soon as you start (in the first 50 words) and just before finishing your article. Every 100 words you can re-mention your keyword. Do not overdo it, notice what I tell you in point 9.

Use your keyword in the text of your internal or inbound links: try to use semantic links, meaningful for the search engine (primary navigation). If this is not possible - as for some Call To Action (CTA) of the type "Click here" or "More information", tag rel = »nofollow» so that search engines do not complicate them.

Use your keyword in your images: both in the file name (without special characters and separated by hyphen), and in the Alt tag (with spaces). Image searches carry qualified traffic that is not negligible.

Don't overdo it: Don't overdo it with the use of your keyword in your article, because above 3-4% density, Google could decide to penalize you for spam. Penalties are typically 90 days, and trust me 90 days is an eternity if it's your keyword # 1. How do you know if you are passing? Think about your reader and the quality of their reading. Read your post out loud. If it sounds weird, you're going over. You will see how it is very easy to identify when you are reaching the limit of what is acceptable.
Learn how to integrate these 9 elements when producing your content. When in doubt, always put your reader before the search engine.